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MARC MANGEN REAL BOOK - edition 2019 - 185 jazz themes
A Long Time Ago Abandoned Town Abstraction After - Glow Ages Ago All Day I Hear The Noise Of Waters And His Name Was Dream As If Asleep At Close Of Day At That Hour When All Things Repose At The Parting Of The Ways Before The Birds Fly Berceuse Blue Screen The Well Tempered Blues Blues in A Blues in A minor Blues in Bb Blues in Bb minor Blues in B Blues in B minor Blues in C Blues in C minor Blues in Db Blues in C# minor Blues in D Blues in D minor Blues in Eb Blues in Eb minor Blues in E Blues in E minor Blues in F Blues in F minor Blues in F# Blues in F# minor Blues in G Blues in G minor Blues in Ab Blues in G# minor Blues In No Particular Mood Boogie Book Is Shut (The) Busy Signal Candlelight Canticle Circles Cloudy Evening Condors Confutation Cowardice Cradle Song Curtains Dance With Me Dancing Rocks Dark Shadows Day Returns Too Soon (The) Dayspring Dead Letter Discloser Down The River Earth Song Eastern Window (The) Elves Sleeping In Flowers The Day Enchantment Enigma Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Eternal Flower (The) Everlasting Slope (The) Evermore Fairy Ring Flight Of Fancy Flowers At Eventide Folk Tune Without Words Four Seasons (The) Spring's Rite Summer's Light Autumn's Gold Winter's Cold Gimbals Glad Tidings Happy - Go - Lucky Heavy Thing (The) Highlands Home - Coming In The Meadows In Vain Incantation J.T. John Kerosene Late Into The Night Lean Out Of The Window Lonely Path Looking Into The Sea Lost In China Lovely As Ivory Meeting At Night Melancholia Mental Fight Metope Metro People Mixed Brain Dominance Moon Watch Party Morning After Moth (The) Mountain Devil My Brother's Gone Now My Friendly Old Shadow Nadir Naked Teacher (The) Never - Never Land Night Song Not Yet October 23rd Old Garden (The) On A Winter's Day On The Beach On The Cool Side Ostinato 1 Ostinato 2 Out Of Jail Outburst Painted Birds Palimpsest Paragon Placid Place Potato Private Eye Profusion Proposal Quandary Quicksands Rain Keeps Falling (The) Ramera (La) Reflection Reflet Reminiscence Romance Rondeau Rush Candle Seascape Second Thought Selfsame Song Seven Shepherd (The) Silver And Cold Sleep Now Small Beer Snow Drift Sound Of Your Good - Bye (The) Soupe à Protons y Neutrons Space Music Sphere 1 Sphere 2 Spiel Spook Summer House Tango Teatrale Tell Me A Story That Particular Song Time For Food Today Will Die Tomorrow Tonight The Winds Begin To Rise Tree At My Window Tree At My Window (old) Undercroft Unvisited Place Up The River Viewless Wings Of Poesy (The) Voice Of Joy (The) Voices Walking Down The Street When Bats And Owls Flit On Restless Wing When It Goes Away Whirligig White Water Windermere Winds Whisper (The) Wine And The River (The) Yesternight COMPLETE DOWNLOAD
404 pages 8,6 Mb
1 - The Garden of Love (Songs of Experience) 2 - Nurse's Song (Songs of Innocence) 3 - The Angel (Songs of Experience) 4 - How Sweet I Roam'd (Poetical Sketches) 5 - The Smile (Pickering Manuscript) 6 - The Fly (Songs of Experience) 7 - The Echoing Green (Songs of Innocence) 8 - Mad Song (Poetical Sketches) 9 - The Land Of Dreams (Pickering Manuscript) 10 - My Silks and Fine Array (Poetical Sketches) 11 - Nurse's Song (Songs of Experience) 12 - Night (Songs of Innocence) COMPLETE DOWNLOAD
68 pages 3.1 Mb
Compositions for AFRODISAX
Abandoned Town
...And The Sun Lies Down On The Sacred River...
Ballad Of The Solitary Bird (The)
Castle In The Clouds
Caverns Measureless To Man
City In The Sky (The)
Eternal Flower (The)
Forests Ancient As The Hills
Latin Thing (The)
Life Out Of Balance
Low Burnt Fire
Maymoonia, Khalif Of Nishkaria
Meet The Dealer
Moons Rising On A Sunless Sea
Moon Watch Party
Not Shall My Sword Rest In My Hand
Nucleus 1
Nucleus 2
On A Winter's Day
On The Cool Side
Ostinato 1
Ostinato 2
Rain Keeps Falling (The)
Requiem (Philippe Leclerc)
Silence Of A Candle In The Darkness Of An Attic (The)
Smiling Shadows (6 poems)
Stand Up
Tree At My Window
Winds Whisper (The)
Wisdom Is The Hard Part (The)Arrangements of Hanns Eisler songs for AFRODISAX
An die Nachgeborenen
An eine Stadt
Die Landschaft des Exils
Besame Mucho [C. Velazquez] Clacmur [M. Mangen] Eternal Flower (The) [M. Mangen] Forests Ancient As The Hills [M. Mangen] Get Out Of Town [C. Porter] (with vocal) Low-Burnt Fire [M. Mangen] Made In Space [M. Mangen] Man I Love (The) [G.& I. Gershwin] (with vocal) Meet The Dealer [M. Mangen] Moons Rising On A Sunless Sea [M. Mangen] Morning After [M. Mangen] On A Winter's Day [M. Mangen] Reflet [M. Mangen] Round Midnight [T. Monk / C. Williams] (with vocal) Tree At My Window [M. Mangen]
Seven Serious Songs (1996 -1997)
for baritone voice and piano
1. So We'll Go No More A Roving [George Gordon, Lord Byron]
2. The Self-Unseeing [Thomas Hardy]
3. Sudden Light [Dante Gabriel Rossetti]
4. Dead [Lionel Johnson]
5. Passing And Glassing [Christina Rossetti]
6. Crossing The Bar [Alfred, Lord Tennyson]
7. Mary [John Clare]
Seven Love Songs (1997)
for baritone voice and piano
1. Where? [Walter de la Mare]
2. The Garden Of Shadow [Ernest Dowson]
3. Song (O'er Desert Plains) [William Shenstone]
4. The Kiss [Walter de la Mare]
5. Elaine's Song [Alfred, Lord Tennyson]
6. In Tenebris [Thomas Hardy]
7. The Voice [Thomas Hardy]
Four Songs (1997)
for baritone voice and piano
1. She Opened The Door [Thomas Hardy]
2. The Stranger [Walter de la Mare]
3. Song (Her Cheeks Are Like Roses) [John Clare]
4. The Milking Hour [John Clare]Four More Songs (1997)
for baritone voice and piano
1. To Mary [John Clare]
2. A Widow Bird Sate Mourning [Percy Bysshe Shelley]
3. Missing Dates [William Empson]
4. The Woodspurge [Dante Gabriel Rossetti]
Aus den Geistlichen Gedichten [Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff] (1998 - 1999)
für Bariton und Klavier
1. Mondnacht
2. Der Wächter
3. Sterbeglocken
4. Lied 1
5. Der Schiffer
6. Winter
7. Frühling
8. Herbst
9. Abend
10. Lied 2
11. Nachtgebet
12. Der Sänger 1
13. Der Sänger 2
Aus der Bettlerschale erster Teil: Die Feuerprobe [Christine Lavant] (2002 -2006)
für Alt und Klavier
1. Es regnet voller Zuversicht
2. Bernsteingelb ist das Geblüt der Erde
3. Nun bist du ganz allein
4. Des Mondes Wiege schaukelt leer
5. Dieses Sternbild überm Nachbardach
6. Dort zündelt ein Stern im Gestein
7. Aus meinem Schälchen nahm mir über Nacht
8. Hinfällig starre ich ins Rad der Zeit
9. Ich bin nicht mehr aus Fleisch und Blut
Weihnachts- und Winterlieder [Christian Morgenstern] (2011)
für Tenor und Orgel
1. Das Weihnachtsbäumlein
2. Wenn es Winter wird
3. WinternachtGesangbuch I
für 1 - 3 Stimmen und Orgel (2011-2016)
Arrangements von Volksliedern
Ein Weihnachtslied (Es ist Weihnachten geworden) [Heinz Erhardt] (2008)
für Chor SATB und Orgel
Weihnachtslied (Lieblich wieder durch die Welt) [Johannes Trojan] (2008)
für Chor SATB und Orgel ad lib.
Death [George Herbert] (2008)
for choir SATB a cappellaChorbuch für das Kirchenjahr (2016)
47 Stücke über Texte von der Renaissance bis zur Gegenwart, a cappella 3 bis 6 Stimmen
3 Abstraktionen über den Choral "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland" (2006)
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
Der Glaub' bleibt immer im Schein
Die Nacht gibt ein neu Licht darPraeludium, Fantasia and Fugue on "Over The Rainbow" (2008)
Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort (2012)
Ich glaube: Gott ist Herr der Welt (2012)
Psalm 8 (2012)
Psalm 105 (2013)
Uf em Berge bin i gsesse [Thema & 8 Variationen] (2013)
Livre d'Orgue de pièces faciles et de plaisanteries musicales (2014)
Brotliedli Wiiliedli
Blüemestruuss Guggerzytli s'Herdmannli s'Herrgöttli Hochzytsmarsch Morgegruess Rössliriiti COMPLETE DOWNLOAD
15 pages 276 kb
Wenn d'Sunn ufstoht
"Jazz" works are compositions where "not every" note is written.
"Classical" works are compositions where "every" note is written.
= some scores are played by Computer Generated Orchestra: perfectly in time, no swing, no groove, no phrasing, no feel whatsoever, even no balance. Just nothing . It only gives an "idea" to nonscorereaders.